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Revised April 15, 2002

1. Membership

Voting membership in the Windermere Community Association (WCA) shall be open to all permanent residents (as defined by the residency requirements of the Elections Act of British Columbia) and property owners of the East side of Lake Windermere consistent with the Windermere Fire Protection District.


a. A person may apply to the WCA for membership by payment of the current membership fee.


b. Junior members shall be under eighteen (18) years of age and shall be permitted to hold this status without fee as Associate Members.


c. Associate memberships will be made available to persons not otherwise qualified for membership on payment of the regular membership dues. Associate Members shall not have the privilege of voting or holding executive positions.


d. Every member must uphold the Constitution and comply with these Bylaws.

d . Membership dues for the current year shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the WCA.


e. Membership dues are payable on or after January 01 of each year and expire on December 31 of the same year.


f. All members are in good standing except a member who has failed to pay his or her current annual membership fee, or any other debt due and owing by the member to the WCA.


g . Any member who takes actions which interfere with the safe and efficient operations of the WCA or who violates the Windermere Community Association Harassment Policy may be expelled from membership at any General or Extraordinary General Meeting of the WCA by majority vote of the members present. The notice of special resolution for expulsion must be accompanied by a brief statement of the reasons for the proposed expulsion. The person who is the subject of the proposed resolution for expulsion must be given an opportunity to be heard at the General Meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote.

2. Meetings

a. The Annual General Meeting of the WCA shall be held in in the month of March. General and Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Directors, notice being given thirty {30) days in advance by public notices in the community by posting on the WCA’s bulletin board and by advertising in the local newspaper.


b. A quorum shall consist of not fewer than five (5) voting members in good standing.


c. A member in good standing present at a meeting of members is entitled to one vote.


d. Voting is by show of hands.


e. Voting by proxy is not permitted.


f. The Chairperson of the meeting shall not have a vote unless in the case of a tie, when he/ she shall have a casting vote.

3. Directors and Officers

The Board of Directors of the WCA shall consist of the President, Past-President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer- the Officers and three (3) to five {5) other Directors, one of whom shall be the chairperson of the Dock Committee.


a. Election of Directors

All the Directors shall be elected at an Annual GeneralMeeting, (50% of whom shall be elected for a one-year term and 50%bshall be elected for a two-year term in 2003, and thereafter) all positions shall be for a two-year term

Separate elections must be held for each office to be filled.

An election may be by acclamation, otherwise it must be by ballot.

Candidates for election shall be members of the Windermere Community Association in good standing and be nominated by a voting member in good standing.

Nominations from the floor must have the consent of the nominee.

Absent nominees must provide their consent in writing.

Nominees must be available for a majority of General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting.


b. Authority of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be empowered to act between General Meetings, subject to all laws affecting the WCA, these Bylaws, and rules, not being inconsistent with these Bylaws, that are made from time to time by the WCA in a General Meeting, and to authorize the expenditures required for the projects, programs and activities which have received the approval of a General Meeting. The Directors shall expend such sums as they deem advisable on those projects, which in their discretion are likely to be of immediate profit to the WCA and the community.


c. Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at meetings of the WCA and of the Board of Directors. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the WCA and shall supervise the other officers in the execution of their duties.


The Past-President shall provide continuity to the new Board of Directors and shall carry out such functions as may be delegated to him/her by the President.


The Vice-President shall carry out the duties of the President during his/her absence, and shall carry out such additional duties as may be delegated to him/her from time to time by the President.


The Secretary shall have charge of and keep the minutes and correspondence of the WCA, which shall be made available in copyable form upon request of any member in good standing upon fourteen (14) days notice.


The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the WCA, and shall deposit monies received by him/her on behalf of the WCA in a Chartered Bank or Credit Union, as approved by the Board of Directors, to the credit of the WCA or to be drawn against by cheques signed by any two Officers of the WCA. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for a balancing of the books and he/ she shall submit a Treasurer’s Report at each General Meeting and an Annual Financial Statement at the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer shall also maintain a current register of all voting and associate members, which register shall be available upon members’ request.


d. Removal of Directors

A Director shall cease to be a Director if he I she absents him/herself from three (3) consecutive meetings without reasonable cause.


Any Director unable to complete his/her term of office or cease to be a member in good standing of the WCA, the vacancy so incurred may be filled by appointment (by ordinary resolution) until an election at the next Annual General Meeting.


e. Remuneration of Directors

A Director shall not be renumerated for being or acting as a Director, but shall be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred while engaged in the affairs of the WCA.


4. The WCA shall be permitted to borrow money only with the permission of the members, by vote at any properly constituted meeting of the VvCA, and in accordance with the Society Act of British Columbia.


5. Auditors for the coming year shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. Auditing shall be completed prior to the next Annual General Meeting.

6. Custody and use of the seal shall be with the President, Secretary or Treasurer.


7. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws are to be submitted by special resolution to a General Meeting one (1) month prior to being put to a vote of the membership at a Extraordinary General meeting, and shall require the support of 75% of the voting members present to be accepted.


8. Books and records of the WCA shall be provided in legible form and may be inspected by any member of the WCA in good standing upon written notice of two (2) weeks to the Secretary.

Dated this 29th Day of May, 2002

Windermere Community Association

signed by:

Robert Goldie, President
Anne Picton, Secretary